The Arunachal Pradesh Forest and Special Tiger Protection Forces Bill 2012 was introduced by chief minister Nabam Tuki, who also holds the environment and forest portfolio, on the first day of the three-day session.
The bill will provide scope for constitution and regulation of the Arunachal Pradesh Forest Protection Force and the Arunachal Pradesh Special Tiger Protection Force to safeguard forests, forest produce and forest infrastructure besides wildlife both inside and outside forests and tigers and other wild animals in tiger reserves.
Miscreants killed Oni, a third generation young Royal Bengal Tigress, in her enclosure on Monday night and took away her flesh. However, they did not take along the valued teeth, skin and claws, leaving zoo officials in a dilemma about the motive behind the gruesome act.
The forest department on Wednesday terminated the services of three contingency staff and suspended one forest guard at Itanagar Zoo for dereliction of duty.
Three more important bills were also introduced in the assembly on Thursday including the Arunachal Pradesh Property Rights to Slum Dwellers Bill 2012, moved by urban development minister Rajesh Tacho, the Himalayan University, Itanagar (Arunachal Pradesh) Bill 2012 and the Apex Professional University Bill 2012, moved by education minister Bosiram Siram.