With a manufacturing capacity of 1.5 Million Tonne of cement (approx 5000 tones per day) along with a 25 MW captive power plant makes the Rs 700 Crore project, which incidentally is the largest investment in any private sector in this part of the country, by far the biggest integrated cement-manufacturing unit of its kind in North Eastern India. The plant has been equipped with the latest technology, adopted globally, with Vertical Roller Mill, Vertical Coal Mill, pre-heater with pyro-cyclone and roller press.
The application of such unique machinery will be the first of its kind in Eastern India. This will ensure the manufacturing of a superior quality product, round the clock.
Speaking on this occasion G D Agarwal, Chairman of Adhunik Cement Ltd. said the 25 MW integrated power plant has been installed keeping in mind that North East India has a deficit of power.
“Continuous power supply being the major requisite for any cement plant, will help the plant consistently to deliver a superior product”, he said.
He further added the Company has plans to cater to the cement requirement of each and every corner of North East initially with targeted 2000 retail counters and subsequently to North Bengal and East Bihar.
The Chairman also thanked all the local bodies and administration and the entire Adhunik team for their able support in making this dream come true.
Saket Agrawal, Director of Adhunik Cement Ltd, said “Erratic demand supply gap of the NE market will no longer exist with the incorporation of Adhunik MSP Cement in the league, as the plant’s capacity of 1.5 million tone is more than 30% of the cement requirement of NE market.” They are, 53 Grade Ordinary Portland Cement, 43 Grade Ordinary Portland Cement, Portland Pozzolana Cement (Fly Ash Based), Portland Slag Cement.
Adhunik Cement, being an environmentally conscious company has lays more emphasis to produce majority of blended cement namely PPC (Fly Ash Based) as it has specific environmental benefits.
Adhunik MSP Cement plant is fully equipped to produce cement as per the stipulated and stringent guidelines laid down by the environmental authorities. The company has been awarded with ISO: 9001 – 2008 & the products with the necessary BIS (ISI) certifications required as per the norms.