The topic ‘Student’s movement in North-East India’ which is regarded as one of the most dominant factors in the political and socio-economic malic in North East India during the post-independent period is divided into several subthemes with a view to cover up all the dimensions of the area– Viz (1) Legacies of student movements in North-East India, (ii) Role of students in the national movement, (iii) Role of student organisations and regional movements, (iv) Student organisations and Foreign National Movement, (v) Student organisations as a pressure group, (vi) Role of students in politics, (vii) Student organisations and political parties, (viii) Student organisations and ethnic movements.
As the seminar organising committee has informed, several experts and scholars from Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland and Manipur have confirmed their participation in the seminar. The willing participants may contact the organisers.